Friday, November 11, 2005

October 12-17

This is laziness:


Now I panicked, this is the second time I had nosebleed from last week. I visited the clinic during my shift and inquired some causes for nose bleeding. The nurse mentioned one is hypertension so to my curiosity I had my BP taken and boy, it was 130/90.


Now the worst, I am having flu. Second day of BP-taking and it was 130/70. When I checked my records earlier, I had only 110/70 during the annual PE. I have to get a one-week record to establish facts.


Yeheey, payroll day. The nurse is absent today. I am feeling worst from flu. I have to file a PTO for Monday for surely I’m going to be very sick. Indeed, I was!


Of course, instead of sleeping, me and my loves went to Market!Market! to buy stuff from Ace hardware using our credit memo from the sewing machine. We got a can of paint and plenty of other stuff for the lipat-bahay thingy. And yeah, I ended up getting sicker, sickest I guess that I have to sleep pretty early.


Despite not feeling well, I still manage to wake up early as I got very excited. Painted the cabinet’s and windows at auntie’s place. Boy, it was indeed very tiring.. super duper tiring! But it’s great to see your work of art at the end of the day.


I have to see the doctor today as promised to myself and so as not to defeat the purpose of having a paid time-off (pto). Well, the doctor was so kind to tell me that I’m perfectly fine despite my physical difficulty of speaking due to sore throat and recommended nothing except plenty of water and rest. Hmnn.. great. BP is regular.

From the doctor's office, I walked my way to Smart Wireless center to apply for wi-fi, dropped by some bodega sale and bought some utensils, went to the office to leave the locker key for Vi, went to Market!Market! again to buy ink for printer and some bond paper. When I reach home, I started painting again. Whew!


I have had my day of "konsimi" from my YY. To this day, I have promised to myself that I will be getting rid of her. She will only be up to one month. I have all the reason to dispose of her… hehehe! So evil! But I would not want anymore month of her.. period! Better get a stay-out help. I would not mind paying the same or more for less hassle. Whew again! No need to justify my act. I need my privacy back!

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