Thursday, November 24, 2005

High Blood!

I felt blood rushing to my head and my heart pounding fast. I was too irritated that I am ready to give up the script I had prepared for casting out my househelp. This has now turned into an evil plan if that’s what you call it.

Okay, okay, it is just a sandal but for me it is beyond that. It is the ATTITUDE! I can’t bear one more day to have her in our home. I am losing all my senses out of rage for her lack of attitude.

I haven’t had a house-help as intolerable as her, promise. I am just too afraid to kick her ass out and have her live with her cousin as I do not know if there is evil in her heart. She might get back at us in her evil ways. I just hope not.

All I can say now is that tomorrow will be goodbye for her.

(Gee, I remember Shiela Batayola, my classmate in TDS. She loves firing yayas!)

Estoy Aburrida!

It's so obvious that I've got less to do in my life today that I am able to spend time writing posts for my blog. Well, I was just able to get a good night sleep last night because I did not report for work as I called in sick. I was not feeling well a bit because I had my bouts of insomnia again despite having taken medication for cough which supposedly will make me feel drowsy. The exact opposite just happened and I had wasted my time with the toss and turns in bed thinking how I can get to sleep. That gave me a terrible day and I know that if I’m going to force myself to work, I would be very sick the next day.

Well, my S.A. (attendance in particular) had been worst this month with over 30 minutes of late already so I guess an additional day to it would not make it worst anymore because it already is… :)

I feel better now though I am still indulging in some tasty calamansi concentrate to get more fluid into my body. Sad to say I am not much of a water drinker so to take more liquid in, it has to be flavored. (sosyal!). And I am anticipating another restful night as we are off for the Thanksgiving Day, thanks to that!

Well, for now I seem not to mind anymore whether I will still get that perfect attendance. It’s hard when your heart is partly not in the team anymore. In short, as my luv would say it, “gasalig”.

So what am I suppose to do today?

Well, I started my day performing a typical housewife’s work – preparing breakfast and as soon as dad stepped out of the house, I was glued in front of the PC. I have to do it fast because the system administrator is still asleep. I started with a few Spanish online tutorial, played the addictive Xraye game (I’m sorry that I have to cheat to get to the next level), check some mails, chat with some friends while listening to some good music, and now, updating my blog.

You see, I really got plenty of things to do! Am busy, you know!

As soon as the master wakes up, am outta here. He thinks he owns this computer.

I have to see Nanay Niknik (watta name!) today. Oppss.. I still need to prepare the proposal. I better make it soon.

And gosh, I still have to buy that plane ticket for dad and catch up some more sleep later. I’d be really busy today! :-)

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