Farewell Baking for Others
Now I want to believe that I am really getting lazier each day. Burn out from working is a more acceptable term, it's as if I am really overworked. First, I got tired from baking. I swear, I miss baking because I miss eating homebaked goodies. I just got tired baking for other people, for profit. I know not everybody will respect my decision. Most will say it is too "sayang" to give up what I've started. What can I do, I have poisoned my mind that baking for profit is not at all times good. First, my health suffered. If those who say it's "sayang" could borrow my hands and feel what I am going through right now, perhaps, they will understand. Sadly for all of them who thinks I am wasting my so-called talents, I couldn't care less and heck, I don't live with their expectations, poor them!
Call it rationalizing my laziness but I found it difficult enough to do certain tasks without having to feel the discomfort the eczemas are causing. All the while I thought that taking a two-week break would heal them out but no, it worsened them. Thus, I want to shun away from baking for other people especially those that involved decorating. If I could only cancel all pending orders that I have, I would do that. I only got two hands, I couldn't buy spareparts, so the heck at what other people think.
I would continue to bake for my family and friends. That's it! They cannot force me to do otherwise. Afterall, it's me who will suffer from what others will enjoy, LOL!