Unionbank of the Philippines Scam
I got an email today supposedly from UnionBank customer service warning me of a recent activity in my account and prompting me to update my account. The email look very legitimate with a "from" address as customer.service@unionbankph.com.
Click on the picture to enlarge
However, if you hover at the "Click to update" link, you will get a different URL which points to angpinoy.org. Angpinoy.org is a Davao-based site of Filipino Catholic professionals. A legitimate site.
If you eventually click on the "Click here for Update button", it will lead you to a site which may appear to be a very legitimate Unionbank site. However, the URL tells us that it isn't.
click here to see the legitimate URL of the Eon login and see the difference.
Be vigilant! If you are not a Unionbank account holder, do not click on the link, what's the point anyway. If you are a cardholder, always check the URL (web address) of the link you are clicking on to check if it is a legitimate one. Better yet, if you really think your account has been compromised, go directly to the web page of your bank then sign in from there.
Don't worry, simply opening the email doesn't put your account at risk. Clicking the link and much more signing in to the scam page is.