The Lady in Red
The first thing I did when I got my consciousness back was to feel the pain then took a quick glance at the blood in my left hand. Thank God, it was just a dream. It was so true that I thought I was still feeling the slash I got when trying to stop “her”. Who was she? She was the lady in red, with unkempt hair and a bloody knife in her hand, trying to kill me. Who was she with? A preggy woman in purple, a child, a few companion, all drunk, caroling outside our door.
With some of my dreams coming true, somehow in another form, I take my dreams somewhat seriously. I become so conscious of the things that are happening in my dream, especially those I know is not related to my present state of mind.
The 9/11, the Valentines day bombing, Daniel’s death and a whole lot more – they scare me. But I do believe that most of my dreams are mere representations of my present waking state.
I was stabbed, I was hurt, that dream was so full of emotions because it is such. The lady in red was the pain I am currently feeling, stabbing me, giving me pain. It couldn’t have another meaning other than that.
I am okay now. I hope so. I choose to be okay. It is just a matter of being more understanding. Seek first to understand then be understood.