Saturday, March 10, 2007

My Macaroons

Same day that I made my first chopsuey, I baked our favorite macaroons. Unlike most macaroon recipes, I do mine with freshly grated coconut instead of dessicated coconut.

Mom said that this recipe was an award winning recipe way back in the 80's. Thank goodness my mom loves to bake. I only learned to bake a year ago. Nonetheless, I can do better in baking than in cooking. I only made half of what the recipe called for. I was able to make over 60 pieces. I love my macaroons when they are golden brown on top but kuya loves it just lightly golden so I have to make sure that he gets his share too.

I used to sell macaroons in the office and my officemates just loved it. When that new oven lands here in June, I will definitely sell some again. I just have to come up with a nice and a bit sturdy packaging.


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