Monday, March 17, 2008

Failed Businesses

Impulsive. Easily Bewitched. They best describe the reasons why I failed in several business attempts. When I 'think' I like something, I become very impulsive that I often win arguments over those who wanted to stop me and I always get I want. Now, I am embarassed to look back at those failures but they taught me so many hard lessons in life.

I am more of a shopper, actually, than a seller. Then I got myself into a mess when I joined a multi-level marketing business, my first business attempt and biggest business failure. I sacrificed a lot for that and had gone through the worst ordeal I wouldn't dare to detail here.

I thought that was the first and last but it was just a thought. Impulsive as I am, I thought I'd do better in bakery business. We put up a small bakery a few years ago. What can I say? Failure again. It was very stressful. I had to sleep late and wake up too early. That was the last, I promised myself.

Since then, I never left the corporate world. Working full time is better. I get paid whether I work my best or worst. I only spend more or less 10 hours in the office and get a guaranteed pay at the end of the day. Then I got the opportunity to fulfill my greatest dream, become a full time mother.

Having not much to do, I browsed a forum for business suggestions forgetting that I promised myself not to get involved in another business stint again. I was easily enticed by the promising UKAY UKAY business. I won the argument again. I got the go signal to start it. Was it a hit? Yes a big hit! When I opened my first 3 bundles everyone went gaga over it. Here's the problem now...I thought they were going to pay me in cash... Kapaaaal! Utangin pala. What can I do, they were holding the clothes already. Collection was the hardest. I got discouraged, I didn't sell the remaining items. You need not guess it, you're right, it failed again. Much more I earned something unwelcomed, HYPERTENSION! Arrrggghhh!

Did it finally stop there? Of course not. I never seem to learn my lesson. That's how stubborn I am. I tried making accessories. It was great at first. My creativity was awakened. I did it along with baking, alternating whichever has orders coming in. Now thousands and thousands of beads are hybernating in one corner of the house awaiting their final verdict. I am busy with something else which I hope is not bound the same fate the past businesses went through.


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