Friday, July 17, 2009

Jobless and Loving it

I think I am weird. I am the only jobless person who's loving it.

Since I and the kids moved here in Singapore to join hubby, I am pressured to go back to work. Three years ago I already had fulfilled my dream of becoming a stay at home mom and the thought of going back to an 8-5 job makes me a little excited but sad.

Excited because I would be earning my own income again. Since I stopped baking, I haven't had a source of income except from hubby's pocket hehehe. Wattalife! Sad because it would mean having to leave the kids again and just see them a few hours a day and weekends.

I have sent several applications online but doesn't get any single response except auto-generated replies. I must admit, I am happy with that. Sounds downright wrong! I should be worried.

For now I have stopped sending applications. I am very pessimistic it is getting me nowhere. Somebody, please slap me in the face so I could wake up from this dreaming. Some are just unemployed because they choose it.



Kat if you will try to be contented of what you have, you will even be happier. Ayaw na suhid sa uban who have lots of money, for what? para sa CAPRICHU? all you have to do is to look and feel good and that is more than having a lot of money.

We may be limited to share when it comes to wealth but at least we will not limit ourselves to our passion to others i think it ois more fulfilling!

Ang uban di kasabut ana mga bugo! like you know who! They want US to have more money so they can have some and all they have to do is RELAKS and SHOW OFF!

People outside the country are too show off too, mao nga they made our people back home jealous, and our jealous stupid and dumb peole doesnt know that it is all THE SAME! sila didto mangutang kita sa gawas CREDIT CARD which i never did try. Mao nga I am always looking Purdoy! yeah it urges me to wanting to go back to work. But in the end it is all THE SAME.

So better stay as a WONDEROWMAN all the time and i will always be the da Binsi. Just limit buying unessesary things thats all! dugang lang na ug JUNK in your space.

na hala balik na sad ta sa TEBAN!

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